Fancy Jasper Meaning and Properties

Fancy Jasper History

Jasper is an opaque chalcedony that comes in a wide variety of colors. Fancy jasper is known for its scrumptious color palette of mauves, lilacs, creams and greens all mixed together. The term "jasper" itself comes from the Greek word iaspi, meaning "spotted stone." Jasper is a gemstone that has been used all over the world. The ancient priests of Egypt carved jasper into beautiful jewelry while the Minoans used jasper for seals. While jasper is widely available today, the gemstone was once treasured as a valuable stone.


Learn all about fancy jasper as our own graduate gemologist Dev shares insights into this stone. Discover how to make a pair of simple drop earrings for easy gifting or selling.

Fancy Jasper Metaphysical Properties

Jasper, in all its forms, is considered a powerful healing stone. Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Also a stone of gentleness and relaxation, fancy jasper's rich colors blend and complement each other so well for a complete sense of wholeness. Another benefit of fancy jasper is its ability to focus the wearer on the here and now. In metaphysical beliefs, fancy jasper helps people worry less about the future or deal with past guilt. Fancy jasper is associated mainly with the root chakra and the astrological signs Aries and Scorpio.

Fancy Jasper Geological Properties

Jasper gemstones are found all over the world, but fancy jasper has large deposits in Africa and Brazil. Jasper in general is an impure silicon dioxide with unique patterns formed during mineral consolidation that creates the various types of this stone.

Mineral Information Silicate, chalcedony, quartz group
Chemical Composition SiO2
Color Mauve, lilac, cream and green blended
Hardness 6-1/2 to 7 (Mohs)
Specific Gravity 2.58 - 2.91
Refractive Index 1.54 (Approximately)

Proper Care of Fancy Jasper

Though jaspers are hardy, durable stones, the best method though for cleaning fancy jasper is to simply use warm soapy water with a soft cloth or brush. Be sure to dry the stone and all jewelry settings thoroughly before storing or wearing.

To learn more about fancy jasper and other gemstones, order your copy of Walter Schumann's revised and expanded edition of Gemstones of the World.

Designing with Fancy Jasper

Fancy jasper is especially fun to combine with solid colored beads in a color that needs to be accented. Green aventurine (in the dark green or emerald shades) is a stunning accent for the green. Lavender or deep purple amethyst highlights the mauve and lilac shades. Add sterling silver and crystal beads in colors that accent or complement your favorite colors and you're ready to party with fancy jasper.

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